Borderlands 2 Evil Smasher Glitch After Patch

Money Making - Borderlands 2 Glitch After Patch Unlimited Ammo+pistol Glit - However Evil Smasher can glitch to higher Power level. Witch craft works dub release date. The glitch was patched following the April 2 update patches. The glitch was patched following the April 2 update patches. Step-by-step Instructions to Power Up Further.
Greetings, Traveler! Welcome to Pandora, its moon Elpis, and the Helios station. We are all things Borderlands, including all DLC, sequels, pre-sequels, and re-pre-sequels. Resources: Skill calculators: Official skills: BL1: BL2: Don't forget to Rules Read the! It tells all. At the very least, browse our. The short form: • Be excellent to each other.
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Borderlands Xp Glitch
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For Pre-Sequel content only accepts powerleveling and duping requests, unlike us for trading gear, as opposed to begging for it for 'modding' discussion. Gibbed, Cheat Engine, etc. For that other game by Gearbox Software that is was sucking precious, precious development resources from Borderlands 3. Not that we're bitter or anything for another non-Borderlands project by Gearbox. It was impossible for me to get the evilsmasher glitch to work, so I googled it and found this doods message board post, which nailed it There is a significant trick to getting the Evil Smasher to upgrade: the weapon switch timing is key.
Previously, I had been using my right hand on the mouse and was switching between the Evil Smasher and another weapon with my mouse wheel. My right hand was on the 'r' key, to initiate the reload each time. It turns out that the glitch is highly dependent upon a timing issue. Maxtor onetouch software windows 10. The speed at which you switch from the mid-reload Evil Smasher to another gun and then back is the key to getting the upgrade glitch to stack.
Using my mouse wheel to switch between weapons was too slow, or otherwise inhibited the glitch from occurring. Instead, I needed to switch between weapons using the number keys and my left-hand.