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We are sad to announce that we will be closing Raptr on September 30th, 2017. We want to start by thanking you for your support over the past 10 years. The world is different today than when we first launched Raptr. Many companies offer game optimization tools. Having an independent platform to do this is no longer necessary. On September 30, we will start the process of shutting off access to your Raptr account and disabling features. If you have any questions, please.
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We are proud of the service we built and the community who helped grow Raptr. Crack code mixcraft 7 2018. Thank you, once again, for your support.
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Dennis “Thresh” Fong Co-founder and CEO Note: If you are a user, we want you to know that launched as an independent company in January 2017 and is not affected by Raptr’s shutting down.
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