How To Install Sapcar
Use always the newest available SAPCAR release compatible to your operating system. You can download a patched version of SAPCAR from the SAP Service Marketplace: -> Support Packages and Patches -> Browse Our Download Catalog -> Additional Components -> SAPCAR. Then add the SAPCAR version for your OS to the Download Basket.

Note that the downloadable file is tagged with the.exe extension for all OS platforms because of software center naming conventions. On UNIX platforms you have to delete the extension and to rename the file to SAPCAR because this is the official tool name which is known by other SAP tools on UNIX platforms. The downloadable file is not compressed so you may run it without extracting it before. As of R/3 Release 4.6C, the new archiving tool SAPCAR replaces the previous archiving tool CAR. This results in some special considerations listed below. • According to the replacement of CAR, the extension of the archive files delivered by SAP changes from '.CAR' to '.SAR' for files concerning R/3 Release 4.6C or higher.
Hi all Can we install SAPCAR utility on my PC to use it to Uncar the files? I want to uncompress the.CAR files on my PC. Installing SAPCAR Utility on PC. 'unpack with SAPCAR.EXE' that's all. 7) right click on car or sar file, choose OPEN WITH and choose 'unpack with SAPCAR.EXE'.This will decompress SAR and CAR files in the current directory. Follow the below procedure to install. Copy them to a temporary directory either in /usr/sap/trans/tmp or any other folder which you can create (say, patch) Change to the directory /usr/sap/trans (UNIX) or usr sap trans (NT) Use the command SAPCAR -xvf The command SAPCAR is case sensitive. Installing the SAPCAR Utility Unzip and install the latest SAPCAR utility on your SAP Mobile Platform Server host. You can use SAPCAR to extract the contents of compressed SAP files, for example, RFC and cryptographic library files. Hi all Can we install SAPCAR utility on my PC to use it to Uncar the files? I want to uncompress the.CAR files on my PC. Thanx in advance Ramu _____ Protect.
• The command line interface of SAPCAR is downward compatible with the command line interface of CAR. The only two exceptions to this are: During extraction, SAPCAR checks the file name extensions of the archives you want to extract from. The extensions '.CAR' and '.SAR' are both valid. The option '-s' for checking the free space on the target filesystem is only valid for displaying the contents of an archive.
The option is no longer valid for extracting files. For example, the command 'SAPCAR -tsf ARCIVE.SAR' is valid, but the command 'SAPCAR -xsf ARCHIVE.SAR' is invalid. • Pay attention to the fact that the archive format changed for SAPCAR. You can not use CAR with archives created by SAPCAR. On the other hand, you can use SAPCAR to extract, check, or list the content of archives created by CAR.
How To Install Sapcar On Suse
But it is not possible to create CAR archives with SAPCAR. • On some platforms, SAPCAR requires certain dynamic C++ program libraries. These libraries are possibly not part of the standard installation of your operating system. In this case, you need to install them before using SAPCAR.
Possible platforms where manual installation of these C++ runtime libraries may be required, are: SunOS 5.6 (Solaris 2.6): You possibly need to install the latest patch that includes the package SUNWlibC. All other SunOS releases contain the required runtime libraries. Use the command 'pkginfo fgrep -i SUNWlibC' to check if C++ runtime libraries are installed. HP-UX: You possibly need a patch containing the HP C++ runtime libraries. Since March 1997 HP delivers these patches worldwide every two months on an Extension Software CD to CD-ROM customers of HP with support (see Use the command '/usr/sbin/swlist -l product fgrep -i PHSS fgrep -i aC++ fgrep -i runtime' to check which C++ runtime environment is installed.
Sinix/ReliantUNIX: You possibly need to install the C++ runtime environment. The package CDS++RTS version 2.0C is required. Use the command 'pkginfo -l CDS++RTS' to check which C++ runtime system version is installed.
How To Install Sapcar On Windows
• In case you want to run the unicode version of SAPCAR the shared library libsapu16. Is needed (where 'lib ext' is one of 'dll', 'so', 'sl' or 'o').
How To Install Sapcar On Aix
Make sure that this library resides in the search path of the program loader of your operating system. Normally this library can be found on the kernel CD. • For more information regarding the handling of SAPCAR, type 'SAPCAR' at the command prompt.