Download Seenaa Ummata Oromoo Pdf Free Software

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Oromiya Ummatni Oromoo ummata afaan kushi dubbatu kan bahaa fi kaaba baha Afrikaa keessatti argaman keessaa tokko dha. Ummatni Oromoo kaabaan hanga Tigraay, kibbaan hanga Keeniyaa faffaca'ee argama.

  1. Kitaaba Sena Qabsoo Ummata Oromoo
  2. Seenaa Oromoo Wallaggaa

Play, streaming, watch and download SEENAA UMMATA OROMOO video (01:47:49), you can convert to mp4, 3gp, m4a for free. Ummanni Oromoo eessa garamitti, kan jedhu irratti xiyyeeffa. OROMIA SHALL BE FREE! Seenaa Gababaa Oromoo By Rabbirraa Rufo. Jalqaba Oromoon saba Afrikaa keessa jiraatu. Barreessaa seenaa waa'ee ummata Arsii.

Kitaaba Sena Qabsoo Ummata Oromoo

Gaanfa Afrikaa keessa Oromoon saba kushii dubbatu guddicha dha. Akkaataan lafa, aadaa fi afaan isaa Oromoo Afrikaa keessa dabre immoo addunyaa keessatti akka beekamtu isa godheera. Qo'annoon jiru akka ibsutti Oromoon ganna kumaa ol Afrikaa Bahaa keessa akka jiraate amanama (Prouty at al, 1981).

Seenaa Oromoo Wallaggaa

Download Seenaa Ummata Oromoo Pdf Free Software

Oromoo Saba 'Pastoralist/nomadic' fi 'semi-agriculturalist' jedhaman keessaa akka dhufe amanama. Jaarraa 16 keessatti eega mootummaan Habashaa fi Sulxaanetii Adaal wal hadhanii lachuu dadhabanii dhiisanii booda, ummanni Oromoo gara Kaabaatti (kaaba Oromiyaa ammaatti)babal'atan. Abbaan amantii 'Baahiree' jedhamu akka bara 1593tti barreessetti jajjabeenya Oromoon yeroo sunitti qabu cimaa akka ture ibseera. Bahrey itti aanee Oromoon akka gara kaaba-dhihaatti gara Arsii, Shawaa, Wallagga fi Goojjam akkasumas gara kaaba-bahaan gara Harargee fi Walloo akka fafaca'e ibseera. Marcus akka jedhetti kaabi-dhihaa Boorana akka bakki Oromoon duran qubate akka ta'e ibseera.

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Jaarraa 17 jalqabee Oromoon Amaara irraa gargar bahuu jalqaban. Haa ta'u malee, Oromoon bulchiinsa Itoophiyaa bara suni keessatti bakka argachuu jalqabde. Keessattuu Emperor Iyoas 1ffaan (1730-55) Oromoota saba haadha isaa ta'an ofitti dhiheessuu jalqabe. Akkasumas waltajjii Gondar keessatti Afaan Oromoo akka dubbatamu taasise. Bara 'Zemene Mesafinti' keessatti dhaloota Oromoo kan ta'an Yejjuun bara dheeraaf waraanaan Imperoota Itoophiyaa dursaa turan.

Akkasumas Begemder, Enderases jalatti qoodamuu jalqaban. Yejjuunis Raas Alii 1ffaa jala bulaa ture, haa ta'u malee, bara dheeraan duuba Tewodiroos 1ffaan Raas Alii 1ffaa injifate. Ta'us, ammallee Impereronni Itoophiyaa waan dadhabaniif waraanni Yejjuu Itoophiyaa keessaa tokkoffaa ture. Oromoonni bara sunnitti beekkamoo turan keessaa 1. Bulchituu Menen kan Wollo, kan bara 1800 Empress taate.